The ultimate soap making class:
Learn the fundamentals of making handmade soap in one 2 hour class ! Class includes step by step instructions on how to make soap with a comprehensive soap making demonstration. Learn how to make 2 types of cold process soap. Class includes a soap making starter kit. Get everything you need to make soap at home; from bowls to sodium hydroxide, soap recipes, gloves, hand blender, gloves, goggles, apron and everything else needed to make soap at home! You’ll walk away with knowing how to make soap and all the equipment needed to start making soap at home. Cost $185

Business start up 101:
Don’t know where or how to start your skincare business? Ease your mind and let us guide you through the initial start up phase from business registration, figuring how and what you’ll be selling to social media set-up and finding the best website platform . Our 3 hour class is educational based providing real world experience and knowledge. Includes business work book. Cost $105

Product photography:
Let us educate you on how to take quality pictures for your website and social media platforms using camera and cell phone in a hour and a half class. Learn how to use lighting and simple tools to produce quality pictures. Using quality pictures of your products demonstrates the quality in your brand. Cost $75
Want to register? Classes begin September 14 2020. Class times begin at 12pm and run to 7pm Monday to Friday. Please email info@atumskincare.com.